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August 17, 1950 - August 14, 2022 U.S. Veteran
Jim will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, 25 March 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Those attending are asked to be at the Administration Building by 9:30 a.m. Military or state identification is required for access to Arlington. The GPS address is 1 Memorial Drive, Arlington, Virginia.
SP4 James Warren Leyland, II, joined his US Army “band of brothers” on 14 August 2022 at the University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center, Largo. Prior to his hospitalization, he had been in hospice at home. Born at Mitchel Air Force Base, Long Island, NY, Jim was preceded in death by his father James W. Leyland, his mother Dorothea (Weyrich) Leyland, his brother Raymond Leyland, his half-sister Sandra (Leyland) Knapp, his former wife Rosalind (Scuderi) Leyland, and his brother-in-law, Ehsan Ahrari. Jim is survived by his daughter, Kimberly M. Leyland, his son James R. Leyland, his sister Sharon (Leyland) Ahrari, his brother Joseph C. Leyland (Colleen), his nieces Tamara (James) and Shannon (Brandon); his nephews Joseph (Bethany), Andrew (Rachel) and Mathew (Kaylee); his great nieces Amber (Josue), Kayla, and Brooklyn; his great nephews Stephen (Devynn), Jacob, Brady, Benjamin, Osbourne, Micah, and Axl; and his great-great nephews Connor, Joshua, and Benjamin. Jim served his country honorably from 16 June 1970 to 23 December 1971. During those 18 months, Jim earned a Bronze Star Medal for Meritorious Achievement in Ground Operations against Hostile Forces in the Republic of Vietnam (29 January 1971 – 10 October 1971), a Purple Heart for Wounds Received in Action in the Republic of Vietnam (9 September 1971), an Air Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Expert Rifle Badge, and the Combat Infantryman Badge, of which he was most proud. His military training included Basic Combat Training, Survival Escape and Evasion Training and Light Weapons Infantry Training at Fort Polk, Louisiana, and Advanced Infantry Training at the US Army Training Center, Fort Lewis, Washington. During his time in Vietnam, Jim received blood transfusions for his shrapnel wounds, contracted malaria, and battled complications from Hepatitis C and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for the rest of his life. After his U.S. Army Infantry service, Jim worked as a roofer with his brother, Ray, for approximately 10 years. He then found a new career in carpentry and was awarded a “Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship” by the District of Columbia Department of Labor and a “Journeyman’s Certificate” by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America (Local Union 1590). And in June 1980, he was awarded a “Diploma in the Trade of Carpentry” by the Joint Carpentry Apprenticeship Committee of Washington, D.C. & Vicinity. He was a member of the Marlboro Moose Lodge 1856, Upper Marlboro, Maryland, since 2004, where he frequently volunteered his time and talents doing odd jobs around the Lodge. The Paralyzed Veterans of America made him an honorary member for his generous monthly donations to that organization since 2013. Jim will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, 25 March 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Those attending are asked to be at the Administration Building by 9:30 a.m. Military or state identification is required for access to Arlington. The GPS address is 1 Memorial Drive, Arlington, Virginia. (From the Paralyzed Veterans of America) Dear Lord, Make me ever mindful of the courage and sacrifice of those who defend our nation. Look upon them with grace, for they are doing their best, often in strange lands and at great peril. Keep them safe in their service as they strive to protect us. Bless those Veterans who have served our country beforehand. Heal those who returned home hurt. Bring comfort to the families of those who did not return. And hold close to you all those who have passed on. Amen |