Category: funeral homes
Choosing Headstones
When you’re making arrangements at funeral homes in King George, VA one decision you’ll have to make is how to mark the memorial or gravesite. One of the most common types of grave markers is a headstone. How do you go about designing your lost loved one’s headstone? Generally, if you’re working with a funeral…
Common Myths About Grief
There are many myths surrounding loss and grieving that muddy the waters and, in many ways, make it difficult for people to deal with loss in a healthy way. Most people don’t understand grief at all even though everyone will experience grief at a funeral home in Ruther Glen, VA at some point. Here are…
Body Repatriation and Funeral Homes
No one plans on having to deal with a death that happens out of the country or overseas or having to bring a body home. What do you do for services at funeral homes in Arlington if your loved one died overseas? The exact process of body repatriation can differ slightly from country to country, but…
Mourning Rituals After Funeral Home Services
Mourning is an important part of grief after a service at a funeral home in King George, VA, and mourning rituals are symbolic activities that help ease the pain of loss and the heavy weight of grief, you should look into forming rituals of your own. They help those in grief connect with others over…
Burial Markers and Funeral Homes
Whether you’re preplanning for your own eventual passing or dealing with a loved one’s recent death and funeral homes in Arlington, you will most likely need to choose some kind of burial marker for after the cremation service. A burial marker, like the name denotes, is what marks a burial site. However, they mean usually…
All About Death Certificates
Do you know what a death certificate is? How much one costs? Where to get one? Keep reading as you will need to get a death certificate for any services at a funeral home in Colonial Beach, VA. A death certificate is an official document that formally declares a death. They usually list the date,…
Medicaid and Funeral Home Services
A little-known Medicaid perk is that you can create a trust that can be used for future funeral homes in Arlington. How do you do use Medicaid to pay for funeral and cremation expenses? The first step is to establish a trust. The trust should establish your chosen funeral home or cremation provider as a…
Social Media Accounts After Death
There are a lot of financial and legal steps you need to take when someone you love passes away and has a service at a funeral home in Ruther Glen, VA. But what about the deceased’s online accounts? You can’t just leave a deceased’s social media or otherwise online life behind. There are certain steps…
All About Funeral Agents
Someone will have to make decisions about your funeral service at a funeral home in Colonial Beach, VA, from where you will be buried or cremated, how your will estate be carried out, and many other important jobs. This person is usually one of your next of kin. Your next-of-kin is an immediate family member,…
Millennials and Preplanning for Funeral Homes
You need to spend time thinking about what you want for a service at a funeral home in Arlington as preplanning is very important. But, if you’re a millennial or in a similar young age group, you probably haven’t and don’t want to think about funeral planning. You’re not alone! After all, even people that aren’t…