Tag: cremation service in Ruther Glen VA

  • Prolonged Grief

    Prolonged Grief

    There are many different kinds of grief that people can experience after a loss and a cremation service in Ruther Glen, VA. One common type is called prolonged grief. Prolonged grief is when you continue to feel overwhelming or debilitating feelings of sadness and mourning over a loss that happened several months or years in…

  • After Death

    After Death

    As distressing as it might be to think about what happens to your lost loved one’s body after death, this information is good to have, especially if you’re planning a cremation service in Ruther Glen, VA. Here is a breakdown of what happens to a body after death, from death pronouncement to final decomposition. Death…

  • Cumulative Grief

    Cumulative Grief

    While everyone will experience grief at one time or another, generally after the loss of a loved one and cremation service in Ruther Glen, VA, what about when the losses keep happening, one right after another? This experience can lead to what is called “cumulative grief.” Cumulative grief can occur when someone experiences more than…

  • How to Support Someone in Grief from Far Away

    How to Support Someone in Grief from Far Away

    No one likes to see their friends, loved ones, or family in pain after a loss and cremation service in Ruther Glen, VA. But it can be even worse to see loved ones grieving when you’re far away from them, either in a different town or even in a different country. While it’s never preferable…

  • The Power of Memorial Services

    The Power of Memorial Services

    Whether it’s funeral, memorial after a cremation service in Ruther Glen, VA or celebration of life, everyone should take the time to remember and honor the passing of a loved one. No matter how big or small, simple, or extravagant the service is, it’s incredibly beneficial to everyone that attends – especially the bereaved. Any…