funeral home in Ruther Glen, VA

All About Funeral Home Personalization

Do you want to learn more about personalized funerals, or get some inspiration to help you plan a service for a lost loved one? You’re in luck, because there are tons of ways you can make any funeral or service at a funeral home in Ruther Glen, VA unique, personalized and meaningful.

Personalized funerals are the way of the future. Do you know why? They are popular because they allow the bereaved to both grieve their loss and celebrate the unique life of their lost loved one. If you want more information about personalizing funerals, here are a few interesting funeral personalization facts:

  1. Funerals are a celebration of life – Funerals are no longer sad and gloomy events. People want to celebrate their lost loved ones in special ways, remembering them for their unique qualities and happy memories.
  2. Memorial videos – Memorial videos put modern technology to good use. They allow families to make personalized tributes for the deceased for people to enjoy at the funeral and beyond.
  3. Most families don’t want a traditional funeral – According to a recent study, 71% of families do not want a traditional funeral as they see them as gloomy or dark. Most families want something unique that reflects the special qualities of their lost loved one.
  4. Cemeteries are overcrowded – About 2.7 million Americans die every year. That’s the entire population of Chicago. With so many deaths, it’s no wonder cemeteries are too crowded. That’s why many people are opting for non-traditional ways of putting their lost loved ones to rest.
  5. People want a party – In another recent study, 500 participants were asked to name something they really want at a funeral. The top 5 answers were music, family, people, beer and flowers. When put all together, these 5 things equal a celebration.
  6. Religion is on its way out – According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the percentage of people that think religion is an important part of a funeral has gone down by more than 10%. More people are placing personalization over religion.
    funeral home in Ruther Glen, VA
  7. Traditional burials are out – Traditional burials are now thought of as wasteful and bad for the environment. For example, in one year in America, burial puts enough embalming fluid into the ground to fill an Olympic swimming pool.
  8. Webcasting – The internet is also allowing families to be a part of funeral services even if they can’t be there in person. Funeral webcasting is becoming very popular all across the US and is only getting cheaper which makes it more accessible for everyone.
  9. Digital obituaries – Since most obituaries are now placed on memorial websites rather than printed in traditional newspapers, they are becoming more and more important, thorough, and personalized.

If you want to learn more about personalized funerals or Ruther Glen, VA funeral homes, Storke Funeral Home is here for you. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today. Our services are specifically designed to help you during your time of loss and we are happy to help you in any way that we can.