cremation services in King George, VA

Cremation Services in Isolation

As large gatherings could spread the COVID-19, people all across the globe have been asked to refrain from gathering together. However, just because we’re isolated doesn’t mean death and cremation services in King George, VA have stopped.

How can we have cremation services that honor our lost loved ones when we’re in isolation?

Though we’re apart, there are still many ways we can honor our lost loved ones. Use this list of creative and alternative ways to observe death while in social isolation as inspiration:

  • Cook the Deceased’s Favorite Meal – Share one of the deceased’s favorite recipes and ask those interested to cook the meal on a certain date and time. Participants can share photos and talk about their various experiences surrounding the cooking and the meal.
  • Postponement – Cremation allows a lot of flexibility in when a service can be held as the body is not on an embalmment clock. Unless your religion or faith dictate, there are no rules about when a memorial service needs to be held. If you chose, you can cremate your loved one and hold a memorial later on when this crisis has smoothed out.
  • Scatter Remains – While most indoor gatherings are limited in size or even prohibited, outdoor gatherings are still mostly allowed. This makes it easy and ideal to host a scattering ceremony to scatter your lost loved one’s cremated remains. Invite an appropriate amount of people according to your local guidelines and host the event in an outdoor space large enough for social distancing.
  • Virtual Services – Technology has made a lot of things easier, included staying connected. Thanks to streaming, recording and social media technologies, it’s never been easier to have a virtual funeral or memorial service. Many cremation and funeral providers can assist families with planning and executing a virtual service.
  • Pay it Forward – If the deceased was committed to a certain cause, why not make donations in their name? You can share the chosen charity on social medias and ask others to participate in the donations to honor your lost loved one.
  • Create Keepsakes – Small keepsakes are often a great source of comfort in times of loss. You can send cards, photographs, jewelry, plants, or other keepsakes to those in grief to honor the deceased and give them comfort.cremation services in King George, VA
  • Virtual Vigils – Vigils have long been a way to honor the deceased, so why not have a virtual one? Invite those that knew and loved the deceased to log onto a Zoom meeting, post photos or videos in a social media group, or even just light a candle and listen to a playlist at a given time.
  • Make a Memory Book – Ask family, friends, coworkers, and others that knew the deceased to send you photos, stories, and handwritten notes. Put them all together into a memory that you can keep for yourself or share on social media.

These are just a few ideas of how you can honor a lost loved one in this time of isolation. Storke Funeral Home is here for you if you want more tips on King George, VA cremation services.