A funeral donation is a money collected to pay for funeral or cremation service expenses in Colonial Beach, VA, not to be confused with memorial donations, which are when the family asks for donations to a charity in the deceased’s name. Instead, funeral donations help the bereaved with costs associated with a service, from cremation and urns to burial, wakes, and more.
Here is some helpful information on funeral donations:
- How Do You Ask for Donations? Asking for donations of any kind can be tough. To help, here are a few wording ideas that will inspire your own ask on whatever platform you choose: “We were simply not prepared for the cost of a funeral service. Any donation size is helpful as we try to give him the simple yet beautiful funeral he deserves.” “In lieu of flowers, the family asks donations be made to the funeral home to help cover costs.” “Many of you have asked how you can help my family during this very difficult time. We appreciate your consideration. We would also appreciate contributions to help pay for funeral expenses.” “The family asks those who wish to express sympathy to consider a donation to help with funeral costs.”
- How Much Should You Give? The traditional gift is the amount you would have spent on flowers for the service, generally between $50 and $100.
- Where Can You Ask People to Donate? While you can set up a donation anywhere or in any way you choose, there are two popular platforms used for funeral donations: Ever Loved and Go Fund Me. Ever Loved lets you create free memorial websites to both honors your loved one and ask for donations as needed. You can also set up funeral or memorial information so guests can RSVP and post memories of the deceased or condolences. Go Fund Me is a general crowdfunding platform that doesn’t specifically cater to funeral donations. However, it’s still a wonderful way to share your need and help others fill your need.
- Should You Give Money at the Funeral? You can! Simply place a check or cash in an envelope or card and
leave it with the funeral director. You can also give the bereaved a digital gift through a payment app like Venmo or Zelle.
- How Much do Campaigns Cost? Even the “free” funeral donation platforms have fees, including credit card processing fees and service fees that range between 3% and 5%. For example, for every $100 you raise on one of those platforms, they would take approximately $3 in fees and leave you with $97.
- Who Should You Make the Check to? Make the check out to the next of kin.
- Do You Need to Be Related to the Deceased to Create a Campaign? No, anyone can set up a campaign for funeral donations.
Funeral donations are an excellent way to ensure your lost loved one gets the service they deserve. Do you want to learn more about funeral donations or other Colonial Beach, VA cremation services? Call or visit us today.
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